Saturday, December 4, 2010



(Sung to tune "Mulberry Bush")

My head, my shoulders, my knees, my toes
My head, my shoulders, my knees, my toes
My head, my shoulders, my knees, my toes
Then we stand together.



When I am sad, I feel like crying. (rub eyes)
When I am proud, I feel like trying. (head held high)
When I feel curious, I want to know. (look up, wondering)
When I'm impatient, I want to go! (cross arms, tap foot)
When I feel angry, I look this way. (angry look)
When I feel happy, I smile all day. (big smile)
When I am puzzled, I make a shrug. (shrug shoulders)
When I feel loving, I want to hug. (hug yourself)

**Students can make craft stick puppets with different expressions to use with this poem.



I have two hands to clap with (clap)
One nose with which to smell (sniff)
I have one head to think with (tap head)
Two lungs that work quite well (take a deep breath)
I have two eyes that let me see (point to eyes)
I have two legs that walk (walk in place)
I have two ears that help me hear (cup hands to ears)
A mouth with which to talk. (point to mouth)



My hands upon my head I'll place
Upon my shoulders, on my face.
At my waist, and by my side
Then I raise them way up high
And let my fingers fly, fly, fly.
Then clap, clap, clap and one, two, three
Just see how quiet they can be.


(Sung to tune "Merrily We Roll Along")

Will you be a friend of mine,
Friend of mine, friend of mine,
Will you be a friend of mine,
And play a game with me?

Yes, I'll be a friend of yours,
Friend of yours, friend of yours,
Yes, I'll be a friend of yours,
And play a game with you!



I have ten little fingers (hold up both hands)
And they all belong to ME (point to self)
I can make them do things
Would you like to see? (point to child)
I can shut them up tight (make fist)
I can open them up wide (open fingers)
I can clap them together and make them hide (clap, then hide)
I can jump them up high, I can jump them down low (over head and down)
And fold them together and hold them just so. (fold in lap)



This little hand is a good little hand (hold up one hand)
This little hand is his brother. (hold up other hand)
Together, they wash and they wash and they wash (washing hands)
One hand washes the other.



(Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)

I am special, I am special (point to self)
If you look, you will see
Someone very special, someone very special,
It is me, it is me!! (Point to self)

Thanks to Sandi!


Who's Special

Look who's special.
Look who's special.
Is it her, you, or me?
No, it's all of us you see!
We're all so special as can be!

Thanks to Shelley!


I Am Special
Tune of "Are You Sleeping?"

I am special. I am special.
If you look, you will see
Someone very special
Someone very special
That is me. That is me.

Thanks to Barb!


And Audrey was Her Name-O
Tune of "B-I-N-G-O"

There was once a girl I knew
And Audrey was her name-o
A-U-D-R-E-Y, A-U-D-R-E-Y, A-U-D-R-E-Y
And Audrey was her name-o

*It works for long or short names if you change the speed at which you sing the letters of the name.....

Thanks to Sarah!


I Am Special
Song to the tune of "Are You Sleeping"

I am special, I am special
(close fist and hold up little finger and bring to chest-- this is the sign for I)

Yes I am. Yes I am.
(make a fist with thumb in front of fingers and shake forward while nodding head forward. this is the sign for yes)

God my Father loves me. God my Father loves me.
(raise outstretched arms to heaven)

Yes he does. Yes he does.
(use yes sign again)

Thanks to Ann!


Here is my picture for everyone to see
No one else looks exactly like me
My hair, my eyes are different you see
My smile, my laughter are special to me
My nose, my mouth, hands and feet
make my features quite unique
So when you look upon my face
and see my "Angelshine"
You will know that I am special
because its all.l.l mine.

Poem written and submitted by Mary Ann--thanks! "I wrote this poem that the children will recite for an open house. They will make frames out of woodsies, paint and decorate them and hold."


I Am Special

I am special, I am me.( point to self proudly)
I have two hands (raise hands)
Two eyes to see. (point to eyes)
A nose to smell (point to nose and sniff)
My ears hear well (cup ears)
A mouth to talk ( mimic talking)
And two legs to walk ( walk in place)
But that's not all because you see (point to others)
I am SPECIAL, I am ME. (point to self proudly with both thumbs)

Submitted by Celeste--thanks!


I am special as I can be
because no one looks or acts like me.
I am one person, myself, me
and that's the way that it should be.

Submitted by Roxanne--thanks!


I Am Special
(Sung to the tune, "I Love You")

I am special, I am special.
God made me, God made me.

I am special, I am special.
So are you, so are you.

Submitted by Carlla--thanks!


You are You

You are you and
I am me
There's nothing else
That we can be

We hold our head
up high each day
no matter what
anyone will say

We cannot change
I cannot be
anyone except
from me

'Coz you are you and
I am me
There's nothing else
That we can be.

Submitted by Ria--thanks!


I have a little body
I have a little body
That belongs to me
I have two ears to hear with
And two eyes to see
I have a nose for smelling
And a mouth to eat
I have two hands to wave at
Everyone that I meet.

Submitted by Season


Why Am I?

Why am I so skinny and small?
Why aren`t I like you so medium and tall?
Why aren`t I as old as you,or as bold as you?
Why aren`t I like my friends, to the very end?
I hate being oh little me, for I am nearly as small as a bee.

Submitted by Amelia M--thanks!

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